

Monday, February 24, 2014

Analyze THIS!

I don’t believe that dreams can be analyzed or interpreted. This doesn't mean that dreams are insignificant: They may indicate that you are anxious or depressed or worried about a particular situation, etc. But you probably already knew that. I can't even explain my dreams how could anyone else?  

For example, let me give you this dream I had just last week:  I was at the gym jogging on a treadmill.  The treadmills were located inside the racquetball courts.  A guy walks out of the bathroom and shouts "I just laid down the law in there!".  A woman standing next to my wife Jennifer asks "what's that all about?".  Jenn sighs and Jenn replies "for whatever reason Brent has started saying "I just laid down the law in there" after taking a dump".   I guess it's like a verbal "high five" for him.  It looks like it's catching on.  Then I woke up and started laughing.  Analyze THAT! 

I have never spoken or even thought of the phrase "I just laid down the law in there!".  Unless it's an absolute emergency I do not poop in public restrooms and if by chance I do I am not walking out and saying "I just laid down the in there!"  This dream is a simple case of random firing brain impulses.  

Do you believe someone can analyze dreams?  If yes, then guess what I can (for a fee) analyze your dreams!  Please do not miss out on my other services:

  • Pet Pyschic
  • Credit Repair Service
  • Buying Homes with No Money Down
  • Fortune Teller
  • Life Coach
  • Dream Analyzer (of course)
A few years back I had a situation were an entire floor of the building I worked in had one bathroom.  Call it bad timing, bad luck or whatever but every time I had to use that bathroom one particular "big guy with a bad diet" was in there and the funk that clouded the bathroom could only be compared to Mustard Gas.  It got to the point were I was so desperate that I thought about bringing a pigeon in to send in to be sure I could go in.  Luckily, that was the past and is no longer an issue. For those who work in a building that have the extreme displeasure of having to use a "well used" bathroom at work I am here to help you.  Below is a full video of how to poop at work.

Do not worry.  This blog is not going to be dominated by pooping stories or postings of farting contests and the such.  It just so happened this was the first thing that came into my thoughts for a post.  This blog is a place that I will write whatever is tumbling through my head.  You have been warned.

Untill next time.

Nano Nano,


1 comment:

  1. Well Brent, I'm having mixed emotions after reading/viewing such as post. No, it's one and I'm actually impressed. I'm glad you came out with this 1st. It does two things: one, depending on how you read/view this, you're setting the bar high or the blog has nowhere to go but up. I think you have set it high. Secondly, the childhood friend I knew is still in you and THAT is comforting. Ahhhh, the STORIES I have about our adolescence we shared together. Thanks for the laugh!
